0012250: SVG arrows not imported (fschmid) - closed. 0010683: Can't set text background color (impacts ODT import) (fschmid) - closed. 0013648: Remove GiveLifeCS color palette (cbradney) - closed. 0011255: Imported *.odt list has invalid font name but rest of test is O.K.

0013668: building latest svn on fedora 23 fails on importps.cpp (cbradney) - closed. 0012252: Wrong import of SVG gradient + Crash (file attached) (fschmid) - closed. 0013247: Table cell border color information not correct after save/reload (jghali) - closed. 0013675: table right-click 'level' menu greyed out (cbradney) - closed. 0012354: Ungrouping items rotated/grouped/welded places them wrongly (fschmid) - closed. 0003173: Japanese (CJK) text in story editor is not entered into text frame. 0012177: Changing Arc height/width places the Arc out of the Frame + crash (fschmid) - closed. 0012154: "Adjust Frame Height to Text" inconsistent behaviour with Middle/Bottom Vertical Alignment (jghali) - closed. 0013390: change of character style propagates to rendered page one "apply"-click too late (jghali) - resolved. 0011812: reference to item marks dont respect the secttion's defined offset for page numbers (cbradney) - resolved. 0013571: Copy not available for text selected by double-click (jghali) - resolved.

0012771: Some patterns imported to incorrect level and therefore aren't visible (fschmid) - resolved. 0013561: Scale image always to higher scaling value when chain is joined (jghali) - resolved. 0013674: Updated Danish Translation (jghali) - resolved. 0012565: Right alignment of hyphens (jghali) - resolved. 0011503: Horizontal mirror and arrow direction (jghali) - resolved. 0013679: TravisCI Build failing since r20696 (cbradney) - resolved.
#Quark 2018 run on 10.9.5 update#
0013678: Minor translation update for 1.5.1 release (cbradney) - resolved. printdialogonly includes cups.h with HAVE_CUPS (jghali) Preferencescrash when trying to define shortcut on group entries (jghali) Font subsets do not include 6-letter leading tag required by spec (jghali) is the mininmal qt version enforced? (cbradney) "Select the current Layer" in status bar not updated when changing layer color (jghali) "Adjust text frame height to text" does not take margins into account (jghali) Moving multiple items across pages using the outline panel doesn't work properly (jghali) Updated CIE-LAB and CIE-HLC palettes (jghali) The color picker does not change back to HSV after changing to LAB and back to RGB (jghali) New Wikipedia RAL version with Wikipedia's LAB values for 1.5.x (jghali) Changing Columns properties can lead to not editable values in Text Properties palette (cbradney) Some icons in Style Manager > Paragraph Style are missing (cbradney) fails to build on big endian architectures (jghali) PDF] javascript alert popup with special characters doesn't render correctly.